About the Academy


The main objective of the project

We do not strive for the unrestrained growth of our ranks, as many public academies do, but we remember the words of Pierre Fermat: "Many will come and go, but science is enriched."

We do not conflict with the public scientific sector, as others do. We are taking a parallel course, because in scientific creativity, as well as in art, its results do not depend on the formal affiliation of their authors to the official (state) system. As Goethe wrote, "Science is a plant that develops independently of those who study it, and gives buds, which are plucked by those who turn up in time when this bud has blossomed."

And, finally, we carry out our activities in strict accordance with the Federal Law "On Science and State Scientific and Technical Policy", international conventions and other legal documents, taking into account Russian and foreign traditions and ethical standards.

The main goal of the IAME is to study the problems of education.

Honorary President of the IAME

S. B. Supranyuk.


"The academy is actually called a gathering of scientists who try to learn and search for various actions and properties of all in the light of living bodies through their testing and science and show one to the other, and then publish it to the people by general agreement."

(From the first Charter of the Academy of Sciences and Arts of Russia, 1747)

We follow this motto.

The legal address of the IAME is 192076, St. Petersburg, ext. ter. city ​​of the municipal district Rybatskoe, ter. Ust-Slavyanka, st. Slavyanskaya, 3, pom. 1-H.

Actual address: 196070, st. Frunze , 8, office 101, St. Petersburg, Russia

Communication channels and postal address:

President of the IAME, Dolgov Oleg Viktorovich (mafo-mkfo@yandex.ru)

Vice-President, Academician of the IAME, Secretary of the Attestation and Dissertation Councils Professor Evgeny Vasilievich Shalobaev (shalobaev47@mail.ru)

Chief Scientific Secretary - Academician of PANI, IAME, Professor Alexander Vladimirovich Bologov (bologof@mail.ru).

Postal address: 196070, Russia, St. Petersburg, st. Victory, 8, office. 103

The most important academic events (international, problematic, thematic conferences, symposia, seminars, round tables, etc.) are held on the basis of a number of universities in St. Petersburg: (Mendeleev Center of St. Petersburg State University, ITMO, Institute of Technology, etc.), and cultural centers (House of Scientists of St. Petersburg, Russian National Library, Museum of Theater Arts, Museum-Apartment of Rimsky-Korsakov, etc.), as well as in similar organizations in Moscow, Yekaterinburg, Omsk, and other Russian and foreign cities.

Management of the IAME as a legal entity is carried out by the President alone in accordance with the powers determined by the Charter. The election of scientists as academicians of the IAME does not entail compulsory membership in the organization, if they are foreign or domestic members of the academy, participating exclusively in scientific events. Therefore, there are full members - (Actual Member) and associate members (elected on the recommendation of any of the academicians - participants in scientific and organizational interaction) - (Active Member).

Legally, such a system complies with the norms of the Federal Law "On Public Associations" and allows, without complicating the statutory activities of the organization in accordance with the legal norms concerning its organizational and legal form in the form of an association, without limiting the participation of all interested scientists in the work of this organization.

Thus, the IAME Presidium, the Academic Council, the Expert Council, the Attestation Council, the Joint Dissertation Council, specialized dissertation councils, and research groups in various scientific areas are formed from among the academicians.


- general and sectoral issues of fundamentalization of education;

- problems of informatization of education;

- problems of international scientific and educational integration;

- problems of non-state (public and international) certification of scientific workers and applicants for scientific degrees working in practical fields of activity;

- humanitarian and cultural problems;

- medical and biological problems;

- scientific, technical and technological problems;

- economic problems;

- environmental problems;

- innovative, implementation and expert problems;

- the latest problems of philosophy.

Science and education in Russia is a perfectly fine-tuned system with established traditions. Russian scientists are rightfully recognized. And graduates of higher education are in demand in many countries and the "brain drain" is becoming a national security problem.

A democratic state, even with optimal management methods and with a clear understanding of the problem, is not able to stop this process both for purely economic reasons and because of the persistent inertia of mental and behavioral stereotypes in the scientific environment itself, especially among officials from science who continue to "manage it. ".

It is impossible to control the real one, because science is creativity.

Therefore, many scientists who have worked and continue to work in official science put something in its "Procrustean bed", and what does not fit - they carry it in themselves or put it "on the table" due to lack of demand or rejection on the part of traditionally thinking colleagues who have decision-making power.

Thus, the creative process experiences a pernicious inhibition. But if in the field of culture this is obvious due to the ability of cultural figures to use the theatrical stage and television to defend their opinions. etc., then the creative process in science is not visible, and scientific polemics are incomprehensible to ordinary members of society.

The situation can be corrected only by the public itself, and in science - only by scientists themselves, joining their efforts with sufficiently educated representatives of the public and business circles.

Such a pooling of efforts of scientists made it possible to create the International Academy of Main Education (IAME).

IAME is aware of its high mission, and the scientific and educational potential of scientists included in the expanded scientific council allows solving the problems facing the academy and looking confidently into the future.

International Academy of Basic Sciences and Virtual Education (IAME)

Department in the UNESCO/ITSC International Network of Colleges "Technical and Vocational Education and Training"

About the Academy

International Academy of Virtual Education (IAME)

It is part of a coalition of universities and organizations that provide professional and higher education services, research and academic studies. IAME has obtained the status of a department in the UNESCO International Network of Colleges (Technical and Vocational Education and Training). Remotely in accordance with UNESCO principles in the field of technology, higher and vocational education and training, as well as voluntary general accreditation of educational programs and institutions, through modern electronic platforms and keeping pace with the requirements of modern scientific qualification.

The main directions sponsored by the Academy:

The issue of rooting education and international scientific and educational integration.

- The issue of informationalization of education and the practical application of innovations.

The issue of granting and ratifying non-governmental certificates (public and international) to working scientific researchers and applicants for scientific degrees

- Humanities, cultural, medical, biological, technological, economic, environmental and modern studies

It has played an important role in spreading education and providing space for a wide range of scholars, researchers and employees who do not wish to pursue studies in public universities and study using traditional methods, and support their desire to study their theses and obtain a certificate from the Academy confirming their qualification without the need for government approval.

Its qualitative role emerged when the world faced the Covid-19 pandemic and the inability of millions to travel and follow direct study, which made the urgent need to facilitate the mechanism for obtaining distance education at a lower cost, with the possibility of accepting theses and applying for examination and obtaining certificates, masters and doctorate distances.

The main tasks of the Academy are the analysis and awarding of certificates according to the following:

- Recommendations of UNESCO and the International Labor Organization for Technical and Vocational Education and the Convention on Technical and Vocational Education.

- The general concept of "continuing education for all", which presupposes the important role of vocational education in the process of integrated sustainable development.

Availability of educational programs and methodologies for people of all ages, bearing in mind that TVET, as an integral part of the activities of the UNESCO education sector, should not be limited to the task of preparing a specialist (in a field), but should play a role Constant improvement of the learner.

National educational standards that take into account international normative and regulatory documents, including the recommendations of UNESCO and the International Labor Organization for Technical and Vocational Education and the Technical and Vocational Education Convention.

Approval of educational programs and educational institutions.

Ratification and accreditation of faculty members in accordance with UNESCO educational standards.

- Optimal organizational and legal concepts and forms of the system of national and international interaction network of leading scientific, technological and educational centers.

Academic majors:

The Academy provides the opportunity to obtain master's and doctoral degrees in the following disciplines:

Informatics Engineering:

It includes software engineering, computer networks, artificial intelligence, web development sciences, databases, in addition to communication sciences

administration science:

It includes management sciences, business administration, human resource management and international management.

economic science:

It includes insurance and banking sciences, accounting sciences and financial sciences.

Law Studies:

It includes administrative, legal and financial law, public relations management and legal consultancy.


It includes the arts, humanities, languages, philosophy, biological, and environmental sciences.

To obtain the certificate:

1. Choosing a specialization and following up on the necessary lectures offered by the Academy through its platform,

2. Publishing research and studies in recognized scientific journals and websites.

3. Agreement with the Academy's Scientific Council and apply to defend the research or thesis.

B - Students can submit their research or thesis to the Academy’s scientific council if it is ready and the applicant has the necessary studies and scientific publications.

In the event of its acceptable evaluation, it is allowed to apply to defend the research or thesis.


Obtaining documentation from an internationally accredited scientific body for professional knowledge, skills and experience is one of the most important personal goals for managers, supervisors and employees.

To express achievement and excellence on an individual and social level and to develop a career future

Increasing the opportunity to win promotions, move to a higher level, and increase wages and rewards.

Greater CV value and social standing.

IAME credits

International Accreditation: It is a procedure taken to assess the compliance of the accredited curricula in an educational institution with international quality standards related to education. The initial international accreditation is a kind of authorization, which gives the right to award international scientific and public degrees.

For IAME, it achieved initial international accreditation, ie the accreditation of the International Association for the Accreditation of Universities in 2002.

It is a member of the ICFHE (International Commission on Higher Education, Houston, USA) which makes it one of the world-class academies of higher education, recognized by a large number of American colleges and universities.

On January 15, 2021, IAME obtained the status of a department in the UNESCO International Network of Colleges (Technical and Vocational Education and Training) on ​​the basis of the provisions of the Charter.

Documentary base for establishing the (academic) department:

• Charter of the International Education Systems Center (ITSC).

• Agreement between UNESCO and (ITSC) on November 12, 1993.

• Regulations of the International Network of Colleges